Crown Wharf

Appointed by Pellings LLP on behalf of Haus Block Management and Crown Wharf RTM, we acted as the Principal Contractor providing a full turnkey remedial solution to replace combustible cladding materials including ACM, HPL and Timber cladding, along with combustible insulation used as part of the wall build-ups and render system.

Haus Block Management

Project Management
Pellings LLP

Our Service

As part of our overall solution for this project some of the key services we provided were:

  • Intrusive opening up surveys
  • Comprehensive design process including building control and fire engineer signoff
  • Principle contractor role including all welfare, access and installation
  • Thorough and fully transparent QA system covering all aspects of the works
  • Provision of the EWS1 form following completion
  • Liaison with residents including regular communications and updates
  • Landscaping works once site had been demobilised


  • EWI Render
  • Aluminium Cladding Panels
  • Fibre Cement Cladding Panels
  • Timber effect boarding system
  • Balcony decking
  • Glazed in spandrel panels
  • Brick slips
Crown Wharf Drone Video
Charting the Project Pathway with BSR Expertise: Insights from the April Roundtable Event

It was great to host another Roundtable event last Tuesday, and have the opportunity to network and collaborate with like-minded persons across the remediation industry. We explored ways to better support Freeholders, Managing Agents and Project Administrators in delivering safe and secure living environments for residents, with a focus around Charting the Project Pathway with BSR Expertise.

Here are some key takeaways from the event:

  • Clarification on Building Regulations: Emphasized that there are no alterations to the regulations themselves; rather, a procedural adjustment is in place.
  • Client-Side Support’s Role: Highlighted the invaluable contribution of client-side support representatives in resolving challenges related to BSF applications. Having representatives from various disciplines within the remediation process provided a comprehensive overview of existing procedures and market opportunities.
  • Expectations of Information Quality: Discussed the importance of meeting the expectations of both BSR and client-side support teams regarding the level and quality of information submitted for BSF and BSR applications for a seamless progression and avoiding any delays.
  • Key Requirements for BSR: Identified essential requirements for BSR, particularly emphasizing the significance of a comprehensive construction control plan and building control report. The inclusion of a narrative to justify decision-making processes was highlighted as crucial for reassuring the BSR.
  • Clarification on Emergency Works Procedures: Discussed the two primary criteria used to assess emergency works, which are:
    • Emergency Nature: This criterion evaluates whether the situation constitutes an emergency, such as a burst pipe or gas leak, where immediate action is necessary to prevent harm or damage.
    • Practicality of Waiting: Explored whether waiting for standard procedures is practical in the given emergency scenario. For instance, a burst pipe is typically deemed impractical to wait for due to the potential for extensive damage if not addressed promptly.
  • Dispelling Myths: There hasn’t been a change to the building regulations! Stressing the procedural changes for approval and the importance of thorough applications over rushing on-site.
  • BSA PD Role: Highlighted the importance of authority figures taking on the PD role and the recommendation for Building Control experience in applications.
  • BSR Review Costs: Discussed the fee structure covering BSR and team time, as well as the inability to accurately forecast review time due to insufficient benchmark data.

In conclusion, the Envoy Roundtable Event provided a valuable space for industry professionals to collaboratively address challenges, share insights, and pave the way for safer and more efficient building processes. Make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming roundtable events by subscribing to our newsletter. 

Click here to subscribe. 

Building Safer Futures: Insights from the November Roundtable Event

In a collaborative effort to enhance the efficiency of building remediation processes and contribute to overall safety, we recently held a Roundtable event to discuss how we can unite industry expertise to foster a holistic approach for residential fire remediation. This open forum brought together minds from Client-Side Support, Managing Agents, Freeholders, Project Quantity Surveyors, Client Administrators, and Fire Engineering. 

The event served as an exceptional platform for participants to openly discuss challenges and share experiences. Attendees had the opportunity to explore common hurdles and gain insights into successful navigation and resolution of similar obstacles. The collaborative atmosphere emphasized the shared commitment to making buildings safer and more secure. Here, we’ll dive into the key takeaways from the Envoy Roundtable event and explore the insights shared by industry experts. 

1. Streamlining BSR Responses and Pre-site Assessments 

Participants emphasized the potential challenges associated with obtaining timely responses from the BSR on building safety cases. There was a collective recognition of the importance of assessing buildings before they reach the site to enhance remediation efficiency. 

2. Funding, Insurance, and Life Safety Perspectives 

The discussion highlighted the multifaceted considerations in building safety, with an emphasis on funding not being the sole concern. Insights were shared on the crucial role of insurance and the necessity of adopting a life safety perspective, as often perceived by insurers from an asset-oriented standpoint. 

3. Defining Ideal Safety Cases and Collaborative Standards 

David Baker discussed the challenge of defining an ideal safety case and the collaborative efforts to establish standards. As well as acknowledging the uncertainty in the industry. 

The discussion extended to the realization that the safety case is not the end of the journey, with concerns raised about varying interpretations of PAS reports. This highlighted the need for clarity and consistency in understanding and implementing safety measures. 

A participant expressed concerns about lending issues for leaseholders, underscoring the importance of safety cases in the context of building lending. This perspective emphasized the broader financial implications tied to safety considerations. 

4. Challenges for Managing Agents and Addressing Risk Aversion 

Abigail Blumzon shared insights on the challenges posed to managing agents by legislation changes and the establishment of a BSR. She mentioned that they have set up a working group with varied in-house experts from across their multi-disciplinary teams, working to review legislation, guidance and information, and to act as an advisory group to help mitigate risks and keep projects running smoothly. 

5.Thorough Building Investigations and Design Trade-offs 

A prominent concern echoed by many at the roundtable was the the need for thorough building investigations to avoid issues. Discussed the potential safety trade-offs between introducing design at the second stage and traditional approaches. Is the introduction of the BSR process moving the market to a 2 stage PCSA tender process? 

6.Improving Communication with DLUHC 

The need for enhanced communication between DLUHC and the industry was explored, with suggestions including industry calls, regular updates, and the establishment of a market expert panel. This emphasized the importance of cohesive and transparent communication channels within the industry.   

Attendee Takeaways: 

Martyn Francis acknowledged the uniqueness of each project and the need for bespoke solutions, particularly regarding the wide-reaching implications of the BSR. 

Danny Carty encouraged perseverance in the ever-changing building industry environment. 

David Baker recognized obstacles in the industry-wide remediation of High-Rise Buildings (HRBs) and the need to resolve funding process issues. 

Chris Peters emphasized the strong skill set within the sector and acknowledged the industry-wide obstacles. 

Darren Wilkes-Brough highlighted the collaborative nature of the sector and proposed a review of the delivery method, suggesting a Risk/Contingency allocation for all projects. 

In conclusion, the Envoy Roundtable Event provided a valuable space for industry professionals to collaboratively address challenges, share insights, and pave the way for safer and more efficient building processes. The key takeaways underscored the need for ongoing collaboration, adaptability, and proactive solutions in the ever-evolving landscape of building safety. 

Make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming roundtable events by subscribing to our newsletter. 

Click here to subscribe. 

The Final Stages of Crown Wharf

As the works on-site are drawing to a close, we find ourselves in the exciting final stages of this project. The journey has been long and challenging, but the progress has been truly remarkable.

With the brickwork replacement making excellent progress and slated for completion by the end of this month, we are on track to have all the scaffolding removed before the end of the year.

We are delighted to share some heart-warming feedback from the residents at Crown Wharf, who have stood by our side throughout this journey. One resident expressed their gratitude by saying, “Just wanted to say a thank you to everyone on the team for the work over the last 18 months and how lovely it is to have the sky back again! But seriously, an absolutely fantastic job. The place looks brand new.” Such feedback is a testament to the dedication and hard work of our team.

Click here to hear more about what our residents have to say.

We would like to take a moment to express our sincere gratitude to all the residents at Crown Wharf for their incredible patience and understanding during the disruptions that occurred over the past three years. Your support and cooperation have been invaluable and have played a significant role in enabling us to complete the necessary remedial works. It has been an absolute pleasure to work on this site, and we are honoured to have been a part of this transformative project.

Stay tuned for the upcoming developments and the grand unveiling of the revitalized Crown Wharf. We can’t wait to share the final results with you all!

Click here to find out more about this project.

Interested to hear insights, the latest news, exciting events, and much more? Click here to subscribe to our newsletter.

Navigating Construction Challenges: Insights from the Envoy Roundtable Event

In a dynamic and ever-changing construction industry, staying ahead of the curve is essential for success. Recently, at the Envoy Roundtable Event, industry leaders came together to discuss the topic and question around the pressing concerns and challenges they face daily and how we can unite industry expertise to foster a holistic approach for residential fire remediation. This event creates a platform for collaboration, learning, and networking to better support freeholders and developers in delivering safe and secure living environments for residents. From labour shortages to compliance issues and the need for standardized information, the event shed light on the complex landscape of construction and remediation. Here, we’ll dive into the key takeaways from the Envoy Roundtable event and explore the insights shared by industry experts.

Labour Shortage and Its Impact

A prominent concern echoed by many at the roundtable was the shortage of skilled labour in the construction sector. Following Brexit and COVID, a significant number of workers returned to Europe and the Baltic States, adding additional pressure, as a good number of the skilled workforce originally came from these regions. The scarcity of skilled workers poses challenges in meeting project deadlines and budgets.

David Baker highlighted the struggles of obtaining good contractors within a reasonable timeframe. He emphasized the sluggish bureaucratic processes involved in government applications, taking up to two years to secure funding approval. The backlog of processing and registering buildings further exacerbates the issue.

The Challenge of Compliance and Environmental Credibility

Contractors and developers face a growing need for compliance with environmental regulations. This includes ensuring the competence and credibility of contractors and maintaining environmental standards.

One of the participants underscored importance of selecting contractors based on capacity, compliance, competence, and lead times rather than solely focusing on cost. He also highlighted the trend of individuals breaking away from subcontractors to establish their own companies, further straining the labour pool.

Procurement Routes

The conversation around preferred contractors vs. competitive tenders was raised by attendees. It’s clear that the industry is inclined to move towards a new approach.

Standardized Information and Building Knowledge

One common frustration among industry experts was the lack of readily available building information. Property managers often lacked critical knowledge about the buildings they oversee. The absence of ‘as-built’ information can lead to complications and delays when issues arise.

To address this issue, participants stressed the importance of the new standardised “golden thread” of information for each building. This would provide essential data for contractors and property managers, reducing uncertainty and risks associated with remediation and construction projects.

Fire Engineers and Façade Understanding

The role of fire engineers in the remediation process was another significant topic of discussion. It is a challenge for fire engineers to work through the process of reporting on a building with very little ‘as-built’ information, and the reports can only be based on select areas of opening up. This limits the ability of fire engineers to deliver a detailed guaranteed report of the complete wall build-up, making the reports somewhat subjective.

Material Innovation and Skill Development

The need for investing in training and facilities was emphasised to address the skill shortage in the industry. Pay increases may be necessary to attract and retain skilled workers, especially when safety is at stake.

The Debate Over PAS and Peer Review

One of the participants expressed reservations about the current PAS (Publicly Available Specification) route and advocated for a more holistic approach to external wall assessments. He stressed the importance of building upon existing frameworks to ensure stability in the industry.

In conclusion, the Envoy Roundtable event brought to light several critical challenges facing the construction and remediation industry. From labour shortages to compliance issues, standardized information, and the role of fire engineers, the discussions underscored the need for collaboration, innovation, and a commitment to training and safety. By addressing these challenges collectively, the industry can navigate its way towards more efficient and sustainable construction practices.

“It was a very beneficial morning sharing experiences, solutions, and ideas on how to navigate through an ever-changing regime of Building Safety. I look forward to attending future events. Envoy, thank you for the invite and for being great hosts.” – Robert McMillan

Due to the high demand and requests from the industry to hold another one as soon as possible, we are planning another Roundtable event in November. Make sure you don’t miss out on our upcoming roundtable event in November by subscribing to our newsletter.

Click here to subscribe.

Hear What They Have to Say…

Resident liaison is so critical in #cladding #remediation projects. The residents safety is paramount, but also to treat them with compassion for what they have and are experiencing everyday should be front and centre of what we do.

We ensure occupant safety is our topmost priority, and are fully committed to achieving consistent compliance.

Click here to hear what our residents have to say.

Need advice or support?
Our team are here to help – contact one of our experts today>

Crown Wharf Resident Gift Bags

Part of our adherence to social responsibility is to ensure that we support the local community by ensuring they are well informed throughout the process of making their building safe.

Maintaining consistent contact with the residents at Crown Wharf is something Envoy has excelled in and as a thank you for their ongoing patience, we presented each resident with a gift bag.

Since we commenced on site at the beginning of 2022, we have maintained consistent contact with the residents at Crown Wharf, ensuring that they are informed every step of the way as their building is made safe.

Click here to see our LinkedIn Page.

Are You Compliant? Understanding the Impact of the Building Safety Act

The Building Safety Act 2022 represents a significant milestone in enhancing building safety standards and practices. As the construction industry continues to evolve, compliance with this legislation is paramount to create a safer and more accountable built environment. 

The Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 was a wake-up call for the construction industry and policymakers worldwide. In response to the devastating fire, governments and regulatory bodies took action to prevent such incidents in the future. The enactment of the Building Safety Act stands as a significant milestone in ensuring building safety and compliance. 

The Act places a greater responsibility on construction companies and the owners of buildings for guaranteeing that the correct safety measures are in place throughout the lifecycle of a building. This means that the companies and owners must ensure that each building in their portfolio is compliant with the law that the Regulator has established, and that the buildings are managed and dealt with according to their degree of risk. Non-compliance by those responsible can have significant consequences, including reputational damage and legal action.

Compliance with the Building Safety Act:

As part of the Building Safety Act, it is a legal requirement that all high-rise buildings 18m or higher with two or more residential units to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator by 1 October 2023. The registration process opened on the 1st of April 2023. The Principal Accountable Person for each building is required to:

  • Complete the registration process of their building with the BSR (Building Safety Regulator)
  • Perform a building safety risk assessment 
  • Introduce measures to manage the risks
  • Prepare a Safety Case Report for submission to the BSR

What is a Building Safety Case and Safety Case Report?

The Safety Case is all the information used to manage the risk of fire spread and structural safety of the building. The information is used as evidence to demonstrate and justify how these hazards and their consequences are being prevented in the building. 

The Safety Case Report is a document that shows how Building Safety risks have been assessed and all the reasonable steps that are being taken to prevent risk. It clearly identifies any major fire and structural hazards in the building and shows how the Accountable person is managing the risks associated with the building. The Building Safety Regulator will use the report to assess and verify the systems for managing, controlling, and mitigating major fire and structural risks in the specific building. It is the primary way the BSR will hold the Accountable Person to account. 

What must the Report include?

  • A Description of the Building
  • Information about the Residents in the Building Relevant to Safety Risks
  • Emergency Plans and Preparedness Procedures
  • An Assessment of the Risks Residents Face
  • Fire Prevention Measures
  • Structural Safety
  • Services And Utilities Information
  • Inspection And Maintenance

The Report must be able to give confidence that the building’s fire and structural risks are identified and managed adequately. Therefore, the PAP must ensure it is continually reviewed and updated to reflect any changes. The Report is assisted by the Golden Thread of information which delivers all information and evidence around the assessment and management of Building Safety risks. 

Non-compliance with the Report:

Failure to submit a completed Safety Case Report is a criminal offence under the Act, and high-rise residential safety managers must ensure that the Report meets all the requirements. Non-compliance can lead to serious consequences to those responsible. Some of these include:

  • Legal and financial consequences: can lead to fines, imprisonment, and liability claims in the event of a fire or other safety incident.
  • Increased Building Safety Risks: If the regulations are not upheld, there would be increased safety risks for building occupants, including risks from structural failure and fire hazards.
  • Reputational damage: Building owners and construction companies can suffer reputational damage for not complying and therefore lose opportunities and trust from key stakeholders.
  • Delays in project construction: Safety issues will need to be identified and addressed if there is failure to comply with safety regulations, which would cause delay in any projects in the construction stage.
  • Environmental harm: Can also result in damage to the environment, pollution and waste and harm to wildlife and natural resources.
  • Difficulty selling and leasing: Non-compliance with the regulations would make it difficult to sell or lease the building, especially for residents looking to move or re-mortgage.
  • Insurance issues: Insurance coverage for the building would result in increased costs and liability as it would be harder to insure the building.

What is the Golden Thread and why is it so important?

‘The Golden Thread is both the information that allows you to understand a building and the steps needed to keep both the building and the steps needed to keep both the building and the people safe, now and in the future.’ BRAC’s summary definition.

The government requires that Duty holders and Principal Accountable Persons create and maintain a golden thread, throughout a building’s life cycle. The golden thread includes:

  • The information about a building that allows someone to understand a building and manage it safely.
  • The information management to ensure the information is accurate, easily understandable, can be accessed by those who need it and is up to date.

It will ensure that building owners have well-documented and accurate evidence of their risk assessments and safety arrangements as well as supported documentation. It will make it easier for them to manage relevant safety information, providing assurance to both the BSR and residents that measures are in place to manage risk and safety. 

The Golden Thread will apply to all the buildings within the scope of the Building Safety Regime. It will use digital tools and systems to enable key information on the buildings to be stored and used effectively to ensure safer buildings. It will be used to support duty holders and the Principle Accountable Persons throughout the life cycle of a building by recording all information. 

The Golden Thread brings all information together in a single place meaning there is always one source of truth. It ensures that information on the building is easily accessible to the right people at the right time. It also sets out a new higher standard of information-keeping which will support the BSR in assuring buildings are managed safely. 

Further information can be found on this link.

Compliance with the Building Safety Act is imperative for creating a safe built environment. Safety Case Reports play a pivotal role in assessing and mitigating risks associated with high-rise residential buildings. By adherence to the Act and preparation of complete and thorough Safety Case Reports whilst upholding The Golden Thread, duty holders demonstrate their commitment to building safety, and participate in the ongoing campaign for Building Safety in the built environment. 

Building Safety Act Regulations: Ensuring a Safer Future

The Building Safety Act 2022 represents a significant milestone in enhancing building safety standards and practices. As the construction industry continues to evolve, compliance with this legislation is paramount to create a safer and more accountable built environment. 

The Grenfell Tower tragedy in 2017 was a wake-up call for the construction industry and policymakers worldwide. In response to the devastating fire, governments and regulatory bodies took action to prevent such incidents in the future. The enactment of the Building Safety Act stands as a significant milestone in ensuring building safety and compliance. 

The Act places a greater responsibility on construction companies and the owners of buildings for guaranteeing that the correct safety measures are in place throughout the lifecycle of a building. This means that the companies and owners must ensure that each building in their portfolio is compliant with the law that the Regulator has established, and that the buildings are managed and dealt with according to their degree of risk. Non-compliance by those responsible can have significant consequences, including reputational damage and legal action.

Compliance with the Building Safety Act:

As part of the Building Safety Act, it is a legal requirement that all high-rise buildings 18m or higher with two or more residential units to be registered with the Building Safety Regulator by 1 October 2023. The registration process opened on the 1st of April 2023. The Principal Accountable Person for each building has significant responsibilities. Those responsibilities are best summarised as follows:

  1. Compliance with Regulations: PAPs are required to comply with all relevant building codes, regulations, and standards applicable to the design, construction, maintenance, and inspection of buildings.
  2. Professional Competence: PAPs must possess appropriate professional skills, qualifications, and experience relevant to their role in the building industry. They are expected to keep their knowledge up-to-date with the latest developments in building safety practices and technologies.
  3. Design and Construction Oversight: PAPs are often involved in the design and construction phases of buildings. They have an obligation to ensure that the design plans and construction work meet all applicable safety requirements and standards.
  4. Risk Assessment: PAPs may be responsible for conducting risk assessments to identify potential hazards and risks associated with building projects. They must take appropriate measures to mitigate these risks to ensure the safety of occupants and the public.
  5. Quality Assurance: PAPs are expected to implement quality assurance measures throughout the construction process to ensure that materials, methods, and workmanship meet the required standards.
  6. Inspection and Certification: PAPs may be involved in inspecting buildings at various stages of construction or renovation to verify compliance with building codes and approved plans. They may also issue certifications or permits indicating compliance with safety regulations.
  7. Continuing Professional Development: PAPs are encouraged to engage in continuous learning and professional development activities to enhance their knowledge and skills in building safety practices.
  8. Ethical Conduct: PAPs are expected to adhere to high ethical standards in their professional practice, including honesty, integrity, and accountability.
  9. Reporting and Documentation: PAPs may be required to maintain accurate records, reports, and documentation related to their involvement in building projects, including design plans, inspection reports, and certifications.
  10. Collaboration and Communication: PAPs often work collaboratively with other professionals involved in building projects, such as architects, engineers, contractors, and regulatory authorities. Effective communication and collaboration are essential to ensure that safety requirements are met throughout the project lifecycle.

Challenges faced by PAP’s:

Ultimate accountability for building safety typically rests with the PAP and can never be fully delegated away. Why is this a problem?

PAP’s are generally building owners and managers, not building constructors. Therefore it is unusual to expect them to be fully conversant with a Building Regulation such as the BSA.

As of my last update in January 2022, the Building Safety Act (BSA) hadn’t been fully implemented in many jurisdictions. However, based on the intentions and discussions surrounding the act, here are some potential problems Principle Accountable Persons (PAPs) might face and how they could try to delegate their responsibilities:

Complexity of Compliance: The BSA introduces a range of new requirements and obligations for PAPs, which are complex to navigate and comply with.

Delegation: PAPs are likely to delegate specific tasks related to compliance with the BSA to qualified personnel within their organization or external consultants.  Getting these appointments correct in terms of scope and legal clarity is critical.

Liability Concerns: In the event of a building safety incident and the PAP not being able to suitably demonstrate good practice and due diligence the they are personally liable for prosecution.

Resource Constraints: Implementing the requirements of the BSA may require substantial financial resources, as well as time and personnel commitments – it is likely viewed as an annoying distraction. PAPs, particularly those in smaller organizations or with limited budgets, may struggle to allocate sufficient resources, attention and focus to meet these demands.

Changing Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory environment surrounding building safety is constantly evolving, with new requirements, guidelines, and best practices emerging over time. PAPs must stay informed and adapt.

Technological Challenges: The BSA emphasizes ‘Golden Thread’, the use of technology in ensuring digital record-keeping and information-sharing systems so as to improve building safety management.

What is the Golden Thread and why is it so important?

‘The Golden Thread is both the information that allows you to understand a building and the steps needed to keep both the building and the steps needed to keep both the building and the people safe, now and in the future.’ BRAC’s summary definition.

The government requires that Duty holders and Principal Accountable Persons create and maintain a golden thread, throughout a building’s life cycle. The golden thread includes:

  • The information about a building that allows someone to understand a building and manage it safely.
  • The information management to ensure the information is accurate, easily understandable, can be accessed by those who need it and is up to date.

It will ensure that building owners have well-documented and accurate evidence of their risk assessments and safety arrangements as well as supported documentation. It will make it easier for them to manage relevant safety information, providing assurance to both the BSR and residents that measures are in place to manage risk and safety. 

The Golden Thread will apply to all the buildings within the scope of the Building Safety Regime. It will use digital tools and systems to enable key information on the buildings to be stored and used effectively to ensure safer buildings. It will be used to support duty holders and the Principle Accountable Persons throughout the life cycle of a building by recording all information. 

The Golden Thread brings all information together in a single place meaning there is always one source of truth. It ensures that information on the building is easily accessible to the right people at the right time. It also sets out a new higher standard of information-keeping which will support the BSR in assuring buildings are managed safely. 

Further information can be found on this link.

Compliance with the Building Safety Act is imperative for creating a safe built environment. Safety Case Reports play a pivotal role in assessing and mitigating risks associated with high-rise residential buildings. By adherence to the Act and preparation of complete and thorough Safety Case Reports whilst upholding The Golden Thread, duty holders demonstrate their commitment to building safety, and participate in the ongoing campaign for Building Safety in the built environment.

End of Sprint Celebration

Last Friday was an exciting day for Colorminium and Envoy, as it marked the first full team get together for 2023. It was great to have the opportunity to meet everyone and take some time out of our normal day to enjoy a BBQ cooked and served by some of the keen chefs in our team!

It also gave us time to connect with some of our new team members and collaborate with each other to share ideas, discuss smarter ways to get more done, and plan ahead for the next Sprint. 

We spent some time during the afternoon reviewing our Core Values, keeping them front of mind and ensuring we stay aligned to them in everything we do. We also reviewed the first third of 2023, sharing some key highlights and discussing our plans and goals for the future.

Crown Wharf Timber Sustainability

As part of our commitment to a sustainable future for developments in London, we love to see redundant materials such as the Balau timber cladding and Ekki timber decking from our Crown Wharf site being repurposed for other projects.

We are thrilled to be collaborating with Ashwells – Reclaimed Timber by supplying them with timber that we had removed during our turnkey remediation work on Crown Wharf.

Crown Wharf Project Update

We are thrilled to update you on the latest developments at Crown Wharf, as we have recently begun installing brick slips using a cutting-edge corium cladding system.

We are also excited to be working alongside Pellings to ensure that the building is safe and secure for the residents.

If you’re interested in learning more about this exciting project, please click here.

Recognizing our Crown Wharf teams’ success and hard work with Pizza Day

Envoy Projects Ltd held a Pizza Day at Crown Wharf yesterday to recognise the teams’ success in achieving their February Goals.

This is an excellent example of how small initiatives can make a significant impact on team morale. Generating positive work culture, promoting teamwork, and showing appreciation for the teams’ hard work.

Building on 46 Years of Successful Façade Delivery

Envoy Projects Ltd builds on 46 years of successful façade delivery by its parent company, Colorminium London Ltd.

We work with the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities and their project management team at Faithful + Gould along with some of the markets largest Developers, Housing Associations, Building Managers and Fire Engineers.

Listen to Charles Horne from British Land talk about the 100 Liverpool Street Project and how Colorminium helped turn his vision into a reality, by transforming Broadgate from a 5 day a week operation to a world-class 7 day a week mixed use destination.

Colorminium London Ltd had the privilege of working alongside Hopkins Architects to develop this complex façade for the stunning elliptical atrium and partnering with Sir Robert McAlpine to deliver the installation of the atrium as the crown of the building. Our involvement then extended to design and manufacture the surgical and crisp looking soffits that sweep through the arcade from Liverpool Street station to Broadgate Circle.

This truly impressive project was London’s first net-zero delivery and quick to be recognised by multiple awards and a BREEAM Outstanding rating. It provides the benchmark for London offices, demonstrating clear strategic thinking in the approach to reuse of the existing building structure.

Bring the power of Colorminium experience and expertise to your cladding remediation project!

Thank you, Residents at Crown Wharf!

Since we commenced on site at the beginning of 2022, we have maintained consistent contact with the residents at Crown Wharf, ensuring that they are informed every step of the way as their building is made safe.

As a thank you for their ongoing patience, we presented each resident with a hamper at the end of the year, hand delivered by our on-site team.

Envoy Projects Ltd is a specialist division of Colorminium London Ltd, on a mission to help our clients make their buildings safe! Read more about our turnkey remedial works here.

The Minories Hotel, Aldgate

This recently completed project sees the first Canopy by Hilton open it’s doors to guests in Aldgate London.

Commissioned by the client, 4C Hotel Group in January 2017 to work on the largest hotel project in their portfolio, Colorminium worked on a façade strategy starting with optimisation through to developing the detailed design of the façade with Acme architects from RIBA stage 2.

This early engagement enabled us to realise the vision of celebrating the existing façade with a bespoke feature fin system that clad the existing pre-cast frame, to give it the stunning finish we see today.

This video captures our journey with the Client and Architect on another stunning landmark scheme – working together to build a sustainable future for London.

New Project Secured – Crown Wharf

We are excited to announce that we have secured the Crown Wharf façade remedials project in Stratford.

University of Winchester Update

Excellent progress being made on the University of Winchester, West Downs 1.

Progress photos released show the frame now fully on view.

We are all looking forward to commencing on the external facade to really bring the building to life.

Keep following to watch this building transform across the next few months.

Wedge House, Hoxton Hotel Update

Great progress being made at Wedge House, Hoxton Hotel with the frame topping out. Congratulations to Lifschutz Davidson SandilandsGardiner & Theobald and Kier Group for reaching this large milestone.